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The Cutthroats are a fresh new tag team in the state of Florida. The Cutthroats consist of Skull and BoneZ.

The Cutthroats bring a new style of wrestling to the state of Florida with their comical talents, they will leave you laughing. Don't let their comedy routine fool you, as they are as talented as it come when they are in the ring.
The Cutthroats had a great 2001.
The year 2001 saw The Cutthroats win tag team gold in 2 different federations, earn thier way into IPW(floridas elite wrestling promotion), and travel to Georgia, even all the way up to Marion, Indiana where they have some ugly offensive linesmen. The Cutthroats also learned that it is ok to take one for the team, and a foot long snot hanging from your nose is not a bad thing, ITS A GOOD THING :D(Stolen Gimmick). We would just like to thank all of the indy stars here in Florida, along with the Promoters of each and every Fed that we have worked for. We look forward to shivering more timbers. Let's see what the year 2002 has in store for us.
The Dreaded spirit of DAVEY JONES.

Wow is this a link to view the guestbook without signing it???? Well shiver me timbers I think it is.!!!! Of course you could just sign the thing or use it as a message board instead of just leaving blank pages!!!!

Skull and BoneZ Rwa and UFCW tag team Champions. The don't need to steel GOLD!! They Win it!!!!!!

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